Worship Time​​
Sunday Morning at 11 AM
Coffee hour follows
All are invited to come!!
Live Stream on our FaceBook page at 11 AM​​​​​​​
Lenten Wednesdays
5:30PM Soup Supper- Fellowship Hall
6:15-7PM- Worship in the Fellowship Hall
Maunday Thursday 7PM Sanctuary
Good Friday 7PM
What is this Lenten journey about? It’s about reflection and prayer. It’s about finding aspects of yourself that are less than Christ-like and accepting that through Jesus’ death, they are dead. The suffering and death of Christ are foremost on our minds during Lent, and we join in these mysteries by suffering, dying with Christ and being resurrected in a purified form.
Christ Centered
Welcome to Christ
Lutheran Church!
Christ Lutheran church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) in Southwest Florida, and we were the first church in Cape Coral, Florida!

If you are looking for a church home while on vacation, visiting family, or even facing a life transition please come and visit us! We are a vibrant community grounded in our faith in the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our worshiping community welcomes all people from all walks of life. We welcomveryone. Come as you are. Come where Please know that we are here and available to walk with you.

Sharing Christ's love in community.
Worship Schedule
Sunday 11:00am in the sanctuary
Live on FaceBook ​​
​CLC worships at Messiah Lutheran Church
2691 Pine Island Rd
Cape Coral, FL 33909