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Serving Our Kids and Families

Baptism- In holy baptism the triune God delivers us from the forces of evil, puts our sinful self to death, gives us new birth, adopts us as children and make us members of the body of Christ, the church.  We celebrate God's gift of baptism in a number of ways. On behalf of the whole church, we promise to support new sisters and brothers in Christ. If you are interested in receiving the gift of baptism for yourself or your child, we would welcome you! Please contact the church office for further information.

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Youth in the Worship Service- Most Sundays, you will observe a young person being involved in our worship services.  You may see a cross bearer, a reader, a young person as an assisting minister, a youth serving communion, collecting the offering and helping during coffee hour.  We love to see the young people we have actively involved.


Vacation Bible School- This is an event that occurs after school is dismissed for the summer.  In previous years it has been held on four evenings.  The children come for three hours of food, fun and learning.  Dinner is served nightly for the children and their families, the participants and church family.  A message begins the evening and activities are based on the message.  There is always a craft, music, physical activity, and science all tied into the evening.  Planning begins months ahead.  This is a big project for the adults involved but lots of fun and so rewarding.  Time commitment is varied.


Youth Group- The graduation of the Class of 2019 took with it most of our high school youth group. These young people had been very involved in the life of the church. They participated in all areas of worship serving as readers, communion assistants and greeters. They were also involved in National Youth Gatherings and service projects here and in other parts of the south. They met together monthly for Bible study and fun and fellowship, sometimes including other youth from local churches. Each one held a special place in the heart of our congregation. They left, but the desire and spirit of keeping a youth group going is still here! We look forward to families finding their way to our church family.


Family Game Nights- Family game nights have been a fun, inter-generational way to enjoy our church families. We are invited to bring our snacks, board games and cards and share our family favorites with all who come. There are usually exciting whole group games with prizes to thrill all ages!! (cling wrap balls???!!!)



Other Ways To Get Involved

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